Sunday, April 16, 2006

Little Moments

As I sat on the front porch swing of my grandparent’s house this past weekend, I was reminded of an earlier time. Times when we would spend the summer nights catching fireflies and eating slush pops. This visit was an important one. My grandfather was not doing as well as anticipated before his heart surgery. My mom, dad and I drove up. My cousins in Omaha and St. Louis as well as my aunt and uncle from Kansas City all gathered at my grandparent’s house for Easter. While they have lived in other houses, it is the only house I've ever known. A classic two-story country home with a basement. The front porch with its sky blue ceiling, flowers always planted next to the wide wooden steps. This is what songs are written about. It was here that I realized all visits are important ones. While the house and everything about it reminds me of the moments, those moments made me who and what I am today.

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