Sunday, October 19, 2008

Working for the Weekend

It seems these days the work week is what pays the bills and gets me from one weekend to the other.  Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't enjoy going to work, but the weekend lets me stay home and spend time with my dogs so their not crazy late a night, and weekends in the fall brings football back to the television set.  

I do plenty of work on the weekends, but mostly to my house and it's a different kind of work, and sometimes I don't get as much done as I'd like.  This weekend for instance, I did a lot on Saturday but not so much today (Sunday).  I spent a while this morning trying to adjust my fantasy players (don't get me started about how many I've lost to injuries), making my game picks for our family game and watching the Chiefs game, which I don't' get to do a lot of down here in Texas.   Next thing I knew it was 4:00 and very little work had been done. And now I am updating my blog as opposed to finishing projects I started yesterday.

But as I go into another work week, it's only five days until I can start the weekend again.

Better get to work.